Category Archive for "Living Life"

Love At First Fart

Love At First Fart

August 15, 2011

Want to know a little bit about my relationship with Deanna? Check out our feature story in!

ComedySportz Championship

ComedySportz Championship

July 25, 2011

It happens every year. Did you know about it? Let’s go back a step, do you know about ComedySportz? Team based, family-friendly,…

Improv Assassin Game

Improv Assassin Game

June 10, 2011

Ever heard of the Assassin’s Game? Years back there were a couple that were run amongst improvisors in Chicago. I’m thinking about…

Two Lands Meet Again

Two Lands Meet Again

May 6, 2011

Nearly two years ago I got to perform with an improv group in Istanbul. We were spending one night in Istanbul, and…

Chicago Improv Festival

Chicago Improv Festival

April 25, 2011

I was recently interviewed by Sarah Terez Rosenblum for the Chicago Suntimes’ Our Town blog about the Chicago Improv Festival. The festival…

Lose Lose: In Retrospect

Lose Lose: In Retrospect

April 15, 2011

It isn’t everyday you find out a bad choice you made had no opposite. While neither of the options nor outcomes were…

2011 Chicago Blizzard

2011 Chicago Blizzard

February 2, 2011

UPDATED We got a little bit of snow here in Chicago. Blizzard of 2011, storm of the century, Snowpocalypse, SnOMG, Snotorious B.I.G.…

Improve Improv: Good and Bad

Improve Improv: Good and Bad

January 16, 2011

Looking to improve your improv? Hopefully, if you’re an improvisor the answer is “yes.” Most improvisors go through ebbs and flows of…

Be A Working Actor: Step 2

Be A Working Actor: Step 2

December 27, 2010

Step 2: Easy Steps To Not Pissing Off Your Agent You have your headshots. You mailed out your resume and cover letter…

Land Christmas

Land Christmas

December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas, everyone! This is the first Christmas in three years that I’ve been on land for. With some luck and strategic…