Lose Lose: In Retrospect
It isn’t everyday you find out a bad choice you made had no opposite. While neither of the options nor outcomes were particularly terrible, they definitely weren’t good.
Just over a year ago I was starting a contract performing on an NCL cruise ship in Hawaii. This is the one rare ship where casts overlap for a week while the newest members go through training. During some free time some of us decided to go see a movie on land.
Choices were limited. We were deciding between Men Who Stared At Goats and Pirate Radio. Goats won. As we sat through the movie it became more and more apparent that it was awful. Not the worst I’ve ever seen, but awful enough to be remembered a year later.
I always felt a little bad about that day because I was one of the supporters of seeing Goats. One of those moments where you realize the number of minutes you’ll never get back, and wonder how the other movie would have been.
It wasn’t until just recently that I finally got around to seeing Pirate Radio.
I can safely say we would have been screwed either way. Both were awful in their own way, and the only way to truly find that out was to go through two times the torture.
Sometimes you’re screwed no matter what.