Bad Karma?
So, a few days ago Deanna and I went to “a store” to get an array of supplies. One thing we needed was yellow ink for our printer. To get yellow ink you need to buy the three-color pack. This pack costs about $40. Not to bad, but $40 nonetheless.
As we get up to the cash register I’m watching things ring up on the screen. I swear I’m wrong on this, but the ink rang up as $1.19. What? I know I just saw him ring in the ink, but I don’t see the price on the screen.
I wait and check the receipt. I can’t believe it! Our $40 ink got rung up as a $1.19 soap dish! We must have had good karma!
…or not letting the store not was the start of some bad karma. Let’s find out, shall we?
Since we got the ink the gas in our sublet got disconnected. As in “the tenant isn’t paying the bill, let’s shut this down.” And yet the person we’re subletting for has been paying the bill all this time. There is a third party involve who made an incorrect address change, so our sublet-ee has been paying for the gas of his old apartment all this time. What does this mean in our sweet apartment? No heat (which isn’t that bad this time of year), no cooking, and apparently no dryer. That is all getting sorted out. And we are HOPING the dryer isn’t working because of the gas situation. If it doesn’t run on gas, that is another thing that has happened.
BUT WAIT! Also, our car leak is back. Some of you might remember our car had a leak that let water get into the sitting area. In a rain storm, that meant inches of water. We got it fixed before we left for an 8-month cruise ship stint and our car was a moldy mess when we got back. This time the car was super-clean, but after a rain storm a few day ago the carpets were wet a little again.
HOLD ON! The next fun thing is that our bank accounts (yes, plural) have been compromised. Weird charges have shown up on them both that have resulted in both ATM cards being shut-down. I suspect foul play at one of the wireless internet hotels along our road trip. Not only because we stayed at some semi-shady places, but one of our charges was from a shipping company specifically in the area we traveled.
The good news is I got out to an open mic last night and the material went really well. I have more stuff to test out, we’ll see how it goes.