Neti to the Rescue

February 11, 2010

One thing I’ve been introduced to on ships is the Neti Pot.

If you’re not using this little gem, do.

When ever I would get colds the process would take days. The stuffiness would slowly go from one side of my head to the other and then end up in a cough.

Last year in New York I bought a Neti Pot. All it takes is warm water, and a little saline packet. Mix it up then pour it in your nose. It fills up your sinuses and resets the pH level making things hard for any bacteria to live. It works best if you cut off the cold before it gets set. So, if you’re totally stuffed up it isn’t going to work as well because there is a huge amount of snot blocking your sinus wall. But, if you feel that little tickle in your throat or nose that usually leads to a cold, neti time.

I was skeptical about even getting one until I went to the beach one day. I was feeling like I was going to get a cold, but well enough to go to the beach. There were some big waves and we attempted to body surf in on them. I got rolled pretty hard on one wave and my sinuses got douched with salt water. All signs of the cold were destroyed. Same principal.

So, this week Mike was getting over a cold, but Jen caught it, and then I caught it. I didn’t cut it off soon enough to get rid of it altogether, but the symptoms are a lot less horrible.

Way to go Neti. You are win!

Tags: Neti Pot,