New Shoe Review, Coming Right At You!

March 27, 2010
fivefinger shoes

fivefinger shoes

About two weeks ago I bought a pair of these. Vibram fivefinger KSO shoes. There are five or six different models, but the KSO is the only one they make large enough to fit my feet.

The theory behind them is that we’re not born with shoes on. Our feet are designed to be walked on…barefoot. These shoes allow you to do that with a rubber sole for protection. All protection, no support. Because of this your feet get stronger and do all the supporting on their own.

The first week left my feet a little sore as they were getting used to walking “out of shoes.” I would purposely step on small rocks to see how protected my feet were and they were fine. I could feel it, but it would take an exceptionally pointy rock in an open flat surface to really hurt.

This last week we went to the top of Mt. Haleakala in Maui. I was hopping all over the rocks with no problems. Probably with better grip than I had before.

The main realization came on Monday night. We had our normal two shows and then a third show just for crew. At the end of it a few people were talking about how much their feet hurt and that was when I realized that mine DIDN’T!

I was wearing “normal” shoes for the show, but my feet are now stronger and supporting themselves.

The only downside with these shoes is that they seem quick to get stinky, but they are also machine washable so…problem solved.

Get ’em!