Haunted Tennis
I forgot to mention something that happened. Some of us have started playing tennis while working out here in Hawaii. We’re officially classified as “okay to pretty good.”
We found out from the prior cast that there are night courts (not Night Court) in Kahului where we overnight. The only catch was that you have to push the button to reset the lights BEFORE they go off or they take forever to turn back on.
Two weeks ago we went there for the first successful time. There was a time before when three people went and didn’t know about the light switches. As soon as they arrived the lights went out. But two weeks ago was successful. As we were playing a flashing red light on the light switch turned on to let us know it was about to shut off. We pushed the button and played on.
Last week…well, it started out well. But around 9:30 the lights turned out with no red light warning…and they wouldn’t turn on again. Not only that, but right as the lights went out I saw a gate shut and a silhouette of a person in the distance. I kept my eye on them as Deanna and Mike went to the other set of courts and turned that light on.
So, we moved our stuff to the now-lit courts and as we were quietly saying “there are people in the distance” the lights we JUST turned on…went OUT.
We took it as a sign and got the hell out of there.
Coincidentally, the ship was playing Paranormal Activity that night. ooOOoOOOoooooOoo!